Entries by TennisDr


Tennis Shangi-La LA Style

Red clay in LA?  Yes, it does exist!  This is one of the most beautiful courts in Los Angeles. This red clay was imported from the makers of the clay at the Italian Open.  As easy on the knees as it is on the eyes, right?

Standing Backflip for TennisDr

May your new year be filled with put aways!  One of my students, a former gymnast, approaches tennis with unique skills.  All I ask is no more diving and shoulder rolls to cut off a passing shot!  Needless to say, a standing back flip takes great training and coordination, so don’t try this at home!

The Partner During a Crosscourt Rally

I was asked for the best advice for the partner during a crosscourt rally so here is the pro, best in the world, poop on that role: This subject came up during our Mixed Doubles class last night.   Now that she is fearless with her new Oakley polycarbonate eyewear, and doesn’t mind a bruise […]

Tennis Stains? Spray Them With Fed

9/11/15 After watching all the US Open semi-finals singles matches today, I was asked by a student, “Why and when did our sport get so ugly?”  My first response was that ratings and money have compressed sports behavior into brand-able sound bites that are often undignified.   Then I started to think more about the question, […]

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RB’s & ASCT’s

Hey TennisDr: What is the latest advice from the on air pundits and professional coaches that I can put into my game? Regards Tiger Topspin Hey Tiger: Great question!  When I watch recreational players, I see some of the same issues that touring pros face.  Too many singles shots in the net, usually when they […]